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Date Past News/Event
July 2005

Tabo On the Rise - DMP Regional Coordinator for West and Central Africa, Dr. Ramadjita Tabo is assigned greater responsibility at ICRISAT.

July 2005

Djoghlaf gains lofty post - DMP ardent supporter and friend Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf is to become the next Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

June 2005

A New Livestock Research Partnership in East/Southern Africa - The DMP is leading a priority-setting investigation for a new ILRI/ICRISAT livestock-cropping system partnership in the ESA sub-region.

June 2005

FIRM-ly Placing Communities in the Driver's Seat - Namibia has pioneered the much-admired 'Forum for Integrated Resource Management' (FIRM) approach to putting communities in charge of their own development, and applied it to DMP goals. How does FIRM work its magic?

May 2005

CERAAS: CORAF/WECARD's Unique Dryland Research Institute - CERAAS is a unique sub-regional research institution with excellent facilities seeking broad partnerships to advance dryland agricultural research in WCA.

May 2005

Keeping on Track through DMP Monitoring Visits - Monitoring visits are part of the DMP process. They bring outputs and milestones to the forefront, and highlight success stories and lessons learned. Case in point: Senegal.

May 2005

DMP wins CORAF/WECARD Projects - DMP members won 3 out of 4 African Development Bank competitive grants approved through CORAF/WECARD's competitive bidding process.

May 2005

CORAF/WECARD Sixth General Assembly Builds WCA Ties - CORAF/WECARD provides the framework that links the DMP (and others) to regional priorities, and to national and international partners. The Sixth Assembly took an activist approach.

April 2005

Launch of On the Edge, the new DMP e-newsletter

April 2005

New DMP Website - A rich new information resource for the DMP: our very own website. Visit, click through, review, and give us feedback.

April 2005

DMP Steering Committee Charts the Course Ahead - The DMP Steering Committee praised Phase I accomplishments while noting needs for improvement, and challenged members to scale up and out for impact in Phase II.

March 2005

NEPAD and G8 Meet in Bamako to jump-start NEPAD's Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP). The DMP was in the thick of it.

March 2005

Measuring Global Benefits from Local Actions - DMP contributes to GEF discussion on how the world benefits from local efforts to combat land degradation.

January 2005

Translating Biodiversity Policy and Science into Action in Senegal - policymakers, researchers and local communities play a reality game


Desert Margins Program Bags Two 2004 ICRISAT Millennium Awards -  DMP's second award for effective resource mobilization; plus, the outstanding partnership award

November 2004

Getting the Numbers Right -  Members identified statistics as a prime training needand ILRI delivered

June 2004 Decision support systems workshop organized by IFDC in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
May 2004 Plant genetics workshop co-organized by IPGRI and the DMP in Ibadan, Nigeria
2004 On-the-job training of of four DMP partners from Kenya at ICRISAT-Niamey (Niger) on tree grafting and the African Market Garden

Three soil fertility workshops (NUTMON nutrient monitoring approach; participatory research; and modelling) organized by TSBF-CIAT in Kenya and Tanzania

2003 Agroforestry technologies workshop organized by ICRAF in Mali
6-8 December 2003 First DMP Annual Steering Committee Meeting, Niamey, Niger
2002 DMP wins ICRISAT Resource Mobilization Award
November 2002 Official DMP GEF/UNEP Phase I launching and methodology workshop held in Nairobi

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