Engaging Farmers in Research and Scaling-UpA Learning WorkshopWorld Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 19 - 30 September 2005 Jointly convened by AfNet and DMP and sponsored by CTA and others (see Vote of Thanks at bottom of this page), this hands-on workshop helped soil fertility and natural resource management scientists to develop farmer-participatory skills. It attracted forty participants from Botswana, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Why this workshop, and why now? There is skepticism about impact from conventional approaches to natural resource management (NRM) research, which in the past tended to be complex, process-oriented and rhetorical. NRM successes, where they have occurred have usually remained local rather than spreading widely. Experience in agricultural research-for-development in Africa has taught that the interventions that last and spread, are those that are 'owned' by their users. Participation by those users in the research, adoption and impact efforts is essential to gain true ownership. DMP's new Phase II focuses on scaling-up the most promising technologies found during Phase I, to achieve wide impact that benefits the poor and the environment across dryland Africa. To accomplish this, DMP members need to work in a participatory manner with those that they serve. Workshop goal To create awareness and develop researchers' skills in farmer-participatory research and scaling-up of promising innovations, in order to empower and benefit large numbers of African farmers through these modern and more effective methods of outreach. Objectives The workshop aimed to give participants the following experiences and skills:
Quick overview The first two days built a community of learning within the group by
encouraging them to think deeply about what is participatory and what is not. In the second week, the focus turned to action research and scaling-up and -out. Invited experts Elly Kaganzi, Pascal Sanginga and Jonas Chianu emphasized market orientation and profitability as intervention points for up-scaling. Highlights Week 1
Visiting presenters shared their experiences through group work and role-plays. In one of the first exercises, 'What is participatory and what is not?', participants built a large wall map describing what they thought are the key components needed to address poverty alleviation and sustainable natural resource management. This led into outdoor exercises and a discussion on building a community of learning. Next, researcher's own insights from growing up in Africa were tapped by sharing their differing cultural norms to highlight and celebrate cultural diversity. This was followed by an interactive exercise on the fundamentals of participation and non-participation, in an attempt to define participation. Practical challenges to participatory research were highlighted in a spirited role play on working with different vested interests in a village-level project. Next came group discussions on gender analysis, first in large same-gender groups, and then asking half the participants to role play as the opposite sex, which significantly deepened and changed the discussions.
As they reviewed the experience, participants reflected a desire to learn more about how to lead discussions, successful questioning techniques, managing dominant people, getting both women and men involved, and the need for time for a general settling-in and trust-building before applying more specific research tools. Week 2 Week two focused on the potential for agro-enterprise, action
research and technology evaluation, impacts, and scaling-up and -out. To keep it
lively, outside team-building exercises and short icebreakers were introduced by
facilitators. These ranged from exercises such as 'Trust
Sitting’, 'Blind Man's Square', 'Knots' and the challenging final 'Spider'
exercise. The week began with a participatory session on the essential elements of a spirit of enterprise, marketing basics and participatory agro-enterprise development. This was followed by lectures, role-plays and group exercises on the design and planning of participatory on-farm experimentation, participatory technology evaluation, monitoring and evaluation, scaling-up, exit strategies, and policy issues, focused mainly on soil science research. Additional activities that week included a team-building exercise, personal reflections on what each participant had learnt, and personal action commitments on follow-up to the workshop. These ranged from determination to change interpersonal skills to creating workshop and training events back home. Evaluation of the workshop The final evaluation by participants was very positive. The
group was active, friendly and energetic in their participation. They
appreciated the participatory approach in contrast to more conventional, drier
lecture approaches. They created an email list to stay in touch and keep sharing
experiences and opportunities. Workshop organizers and facilitators The workshop was ably organized by Ritu Verma, a social scientist and anthropologist at TSBF-CIAT, assisted by anthropologist Michael Misiko and five invited presenters: Sandra J. Velarde, Programme Officer, ASB; Regina Karega, Kenyatta University; and CIAT scientists Elly Kaganzi (Regional Agroenterprise Specialist), Jonas Chianu (Economist) and Pascal Sanginga (Sociologist). Three facilitators guided the workshop process: Sue Canney Davison, Pipal Ltd. Nairobi; and Twalib Ebrahim and Ezekiel Nguyo from the Depot (an NGO based in Nairobi). Made possible by (thank you!)Sponsors: Technical Centre For Agricultural And Rural Cooperation (CTA), West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD), African Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Environment Program/Global Environment Facility (UNEP/GEF), Desert Margins Program (DMP), Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), and the CGIAR Systemwide Programme on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA). Organizers: The African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) of TSBF-CIAT, and CIAT's Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI) initiative; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - Niamey (ICRISAT-Niamey), and Centre d’Etude Régional pour l’Amélioration de l’Adaptation ŕ la Sécheresse (CERAAS).
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